Saturday, August 15, 2015

36 Weeks

How far along: 36 weeks - EDD 09/10/15
How big is baby: The size of a honeydew - Her skin is getting smooth and soft and her gums are rigid. Her liver and kidneys are in working order, and her circulation and immune systems are basically good to go, too.
What are we having: A sweet baby girl
Symptoms this week: I feel like a cripple. Between the contractions and horrible nerve pain in my back, it's getting harder and harder to walk or drive.
Weight gain/loss: Up one more pound for a total of 23.
Food aversions/cravings: Nothing is really standing out this week. I think the pain in my back is just overruling all other aspects of my life right now.
The baby belly: I thought she was moving down, but it feels like she's up again. My lung capacity is still better than before, so let's go with the bump has slightly lowered itself.
Movement: Movement is all over the place and really, really strong. I think I know what body part is what, but could be totally wrong.
What is freaking me out: Well crap... We just found out that baby is frank breech. That clearly explains all of the painful movements. Apparently she's trying to turn, which is causing the contractions I've been having, which then holds her in place. I've been told to rest, do what I can to ease the contractions so she can flip, and go back for another ultrasound next week. After that we'll talk about doing a version/induction or a c-section.
What I'm totally loving: I guess I love that I haven't dilated at all? I'm pretty overwhelmed with her being breech, but without being dilated it means she still has time to turn herself. She is also weighing in at just 5 lbs, with plenty of fluid and space for movement. Fingers crossed! She looked great on the ultrasound, other than her positioning, and we watched her putting her hands and feet up by her mouth. She even had hair!
What I'm looking forward to: My 37 week appointment and, God willing, finding out that she managed to work herself into the proper position for her big arrival.

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