Saturday, May 9, 2015

22 Weeks

How far along: 22 weeks - EDD 09/10/15
How big is baby: The size of a papaya - She is looking more and more like a newborn. She is even starting to sleep in cycles, for about 12-14 hours per day.
What are we having: A sweet baby girl
Symptoms this week: My back has started to flare up this week. It's not consistent at all (thank, God!), but if I do too much, or sit in one position for too long, I start to feel nerve pain. Hopefully, by being careful and continuing to exercise, I'll be able to keep it to a minimum.
Weight gain/loss: Up another pound, putting my total gain at 7.
Food aversions/cravings: I'll eat almost anything, but with spicier foods I need to really determine if the heartburn that follows is worth it. Hint: it usually is. Once I can't calm the burn with Tums, I'll need to start making some adjustments to my diet.
The baby belly: I'm still carrying low and all out in front. I feel like it grew a lot between this week and last week for some reason. I don't think it did, but to me I feel like it's further out than before.
Movement: Baby girl has a schedule, and she lets me know it. Mornings and bedtime are when she is most active, but I feel her all throughout the day as well. If I sit in a position that squishes her for too long, like at my desk, she starts kicking to let me know I need to stretch. I feel her from the outside constantly as well.
What is freaking me out: I'm really not a fan of already having back and nerve pain. I knew it could pose a big issue with my spinal history, but I was hoping to make it until third trimester before I started having discomfort.
What I'm totally loving: All of the movement! Feeling her from the outside is incredibly cool, and I'm content to just sit there and feel her squirm and kick. I could live without her head hitting my bladder, but I suppose it's better than being kicked in the ribs.
What I'm looking forward to: Her nursery being done. All of the furniture is in, the painting is done, her closet is done, and it just needs some finishing touches. I'll have to write a separate post about our progress so far because we've done a lot.

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