Saturday, May 16, 2015

23 Weeks

How far along: 23 weeks - EDD 09/10/15
How big is baby: The size of large grapefruit - Her face is fully formed now, and she just needs a little extra fat to fill it out. She's listening to mom's voice and heartbeat, and can hear loud sounds like a dog barking.
What are we having: A sweet baby girl
Symptoms this week: Heartburn has been randomly popping up this week. It's usually at night, but it disperses quickly with a couple of Tums. Hopefully this isn't turning into a new trend.
Weight gain/loss: I'm going to round up and say I gained another full pound this week, bringing my total to 8 pounds above my starting weight.
Food aversions/cravings: I still can't eat Mexican food. We tried making some at home and it still just doesn't agree with me. It tastes fantastic, but my body is just not happy with me afterwards.
The baby belly: I'm so round! I feel like I blew up like a ball early this week out of nowhere.
Movement: Everyday she moves more and more. She's still exclusively on my right side, and I haven't felt so much as a flutter on the left. I'm beginning to wonder if she'll just stay there the entire time.
What is freaking me out: Nada. I've been more concerned about Ranger's upcoming teeth cleaning than anything else. I'm blaming pregnancy hormones for making me worry about him going under anesthesia.
What I'm totally loving: Believe it or not, my roundness! I can't help touching and looking at my belly. The bottom is so rounded out that I can almost picture her in there just chilling like she's in a hammock.
What I'm looking forward to: I have an OB appointment next week, but I wouldn't necessarily say I'm looking forward to it. However, it's the last "basic" 4-week appointment of my pregnancy. The following, and last 4 week appointment is for my glucose test, and then my third trimester starts (which also brings with it 2 week appointments). Eeeek!!

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